An Employee How-to Guide for Using the HFC Virtual App
Posted on Tuesday October 6 2020
Accessing the Virtual EventClick the link emailed to you from your HR / benefits rep to access the virtual app. Once inside, take 5 seconds to enter your name and email address. You’ll then be able to view the exhibitors in your virtual event.See below a screenshot of the profile form:Employee-Exhibitor Interaction During The Virtual EventInside V1 of the HFC’s Virtual App, the sole feature is connecting you face-to-face via a video-conferencing system by allowing you and fellow employees to join an exhibitor waiting list.The waiting list ensures your conversations are not interrupted by ot...

Premium Membership FAQs
Posted on Sunday October 20 2019
#1. What does business or life look like with HFC?In less than two years, Proscan Imaging has attended 28 corporate health fairs at neighboring employer groups. Proscan’s brand has been in front of over 10,000 employees and has gained many new patients due to the opportunity HFC has opened up for them. Proscan has spent less than $600 in total for these results. You can have just as good of results by purchasing an HFC Premium Membership, which is risk-free.#2. What is the value of doing business with HFC?Gaining new patients and new corporate relationships (or, relationships with local emp...

Making the most of Events. Not all corporate health fairs are the same
Posted on Sunday October 20 2019
Coming 10/21/2019.

Available doTERRA Markets
Posted on Friday July 19 2019
Open Markets for doTERRA Distributors:Cincinnati, OHCharleston, SCHouston, TXDallas-Fort Worth, TXBoston, MATampa, FLPalm Beach, FLAustin, TXOrlando, FLDetroit, MIKansas City, MOMinneapolis, MNSt. Louis, MOJacksonville, FLMilwaukee, WSeattle, WAFort Myers, FL

Premium Membership
Posted on Saturday February 16 2019
Unlimited Health Fairs, Premium Features, and more...Versus paying $99-298 a la carte per event, HFC has an unlimited annual health fair and premium membership package for only $699. There are no fees or charges outside the one-time price and it will cover you fully for 12 months (no charges for registrations or premium features). It will help you save a substantial amount of money over the course of the year, in addition to giving you the exposure you deserve (invite button in the exhibitor directory, top of the list for every event, ability to communicate with organizers before acceptance...

US Health & Wellness Professionals
Posted on Sunday December 2 2018
Find health fair exhibitors by cityCheck out 10,000+ health and wellness fair exhibitors (and vendors) across the US. Find your city and click the link to see the exhibitors in your area.

US Corporate Health Fair City Directories
Posted on Sunday December 2 2018
Find corporate health fairs by the city.Check out the corporate events. Find your city and click on the link to display the health fairs in your area.Raleigh: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/corporate-health-fairs/near/raleigh-nc 50Atlanta: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/corporate-health-fairs/near/atlanta-ga 50Charlotte: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/corporate-health-fairs/near/charlotte-nc 50Miami: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/corporate-health-fairs/near/miami-fl 50Washington DC: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/corporate-health-fairs/near/washington-dc...

Email Template
Posted on Sunday December 2 2018
Subject:corporate health fairsBody:Hey {!first_name},There is an abundance of corporate health fairs going on in {!their_city} and you've been missing out on them: {!link_to_events}I wanted to give you a heads up so you can take advantage of them in 2019 (like I have been doing in {!your_city}).I created an account on Health Fair Connections (HFC) not too long ago. I purchased HFC's Unlimited Health Fair Package and Premium Membership (for next to nothing I might add) and have impressive results to show for it. You’d most likely do much better than me over a year's time because there is les...

What happens if I cancel my membership?
Posted on Monday September 3 2018
If you cancel your HFC Charter Membership, you forgo the following:Low future rateYour membership statusStreamlined experience on HFCAnd more, like your invite button in the vendor directory (hosts will no longer be able to invite you via the directory).Low RateThe yearly-rate for the membership is $349 and covers unlimited health fairs (premium applications and registrations) communication with corporations, and everything HFC has to offer (all premium features) for 12 months. Per health fair in 2019 will range from $49-179 per event and this will quickly add up.Membership StatusIf you can...