How do I promote my event?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
You can use the following tactics and tips to promote your health fair. Post health fair flyersSend a calendar invite to all employeesPut poster boards up around the buildingSend a cheerleader around to speak with employees about their health fairHave the CEO, CFO, VP of HR send an email to all employees regarding attending the health fairMake announcements at company wide meetings about the health fair Deploy HFC's RSVP Splash Page (coming soon)Regardless, you should start promoting your health fair soon as possible and it all starts with creating your health fair. Once your health fair is...

I forgot my password
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Click the forgot password link on the log in page. Here's the direct link to where the forgot password link takes you: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/users/password/newOnce you click "send me reset password instructions", it will send you an email. If you don't see it in your email, make sure you check your SPAM. Once you click the email link, it will take you to a reset your password page, then you'll enter a new password. Once you enter new password, you'll be able to log in. Make sure you're using a modern web browser, that way all elements are displayed.

I can't log in
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
If you've forgotten your password or are having trouble logging in to your Health Fair Connections (HFC) account, visit: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/users/password/newEnter the email address you use for HFC, and you'll be emailed a link to reset your password. If you don't receive the email, check your spam. If you'd like to update or change your password, go through the same process. Make sure you're using a modern web browser to all elements on the web page are displayed.

How Do I Invite My Employee Benefits Broker To My Employee Health & Wellness Fair?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
You can invite them once you create your health fair on the next page in the flow. If your benefits broker is helping you or managing your employee health fair, they're considered your team members - so invite them in the team members page that will be displayed to you after creating a health fair. You can also invite your broker and carrier via your health fair dashboard in the invite section. Just copy and paste their email, then click invite. It's that easy.

How Do I Invite My Team Members To My Employee Health Fair Dashboard On HFC?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
After you create a health fair, on the following pages, you'll see a page dedicated to inviting your team members (fellow HR managers and benefits folks that work at your company). You can also do this inside your health fair dashboard, after going through the health fair creation flow. All you have to do is copy and past their emails, and click invite. It's that simple! :) At that point, they'll have the same transparency as you do.

How do I follow up?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Health Fair Connections (HFC) gives you a premium, paid option to follow up with the host. Even if you have the host email, this is still a good option to pay for as it gives you another touchpoint to get in with the host allowing you to showcase your offerings. For most vendors, it's to their benefit to get back onsite at the corporation that hosted the health fair, this way, as a vendor, they can generate additional revenue. There is value here and HFC has chosen to charge a small fee for the follow up to support HFC's ecosystem. For each health fair, we only give 5 vendors (first come, f...

How do I stop getting so many emails?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Unfortunately (and we don't like to use the word, unfortunately), the only way to stop receiving emails as of this point is to cancel your Health Fair Connections (HFC) account :(If you would like to do that, contact, support@healthfairconnections.comVersus doing that, I recommend deleting certain emails you deem as not important for the time being, because you could miss out on emails like:Complete your registration Host sent you a messageHealth fair has been canceledWeekly event status emailand moreYou could receive a poor rating and review from the host, because you missed communication....

How do I cancel my account?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Use the contact link at the bottom of this page to let us know you'd like to cancel your account. Health Fair Connections (HFC) is a lean start up that's trying to break through barriers, so it's important to us to know why you're canceling. It would be of great help if you could let us know why you're canceling and your honest feelings about HFC. If you would be so kind to do that, that would be awesome. We promise to not pester you with questions or phone calls after you do, unless you'd like to connect to give us more info.

I forgot my password
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Click the forgot password link on the log in page. Here's the direct link to where the forgot password link takes you: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/users/password/newOnce you click "send me reset password instructions", it will send you an email. If you don't see it in your email, make sure you check your SPAM. Once you click the email link, it will take you to a reset your password page, then you'll enter a new password. Once you enter new password, you'll be able to log in.

How do I get into the health fair?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
As you can see above in the snapshot of a host's dashboard, you have to be selected to attend by the host (aka someone from the HR team) at the organization/company hosting the health/wellness fair.Meaning, you can't just get on the interested vendor list and assume you're going to be able to attend the health/wellness fair.Make sense?We'll explain.The process works by you first, going to the event page and clicking, "join list of interested vendors."This list of interested vendors is the list the host will review and select the vendors they want attending their health/wellness fair.By the ...