Request a Rating and Review
Posted on Tuesday January 10 2017
Attention Vendors - we now allow you to request ratings and reviews from the host of the health fair once the event has come and gone!
It shows validity when your profile has numerous ratings and reviews, so do you feel more ratings and reviews are needed on your vendor profile? This is how you can make that happen.
Or, do you have subpar ratings and would like to get your ratings up? Once again, the "request ratings and reviews" feature is the solution.
See below as to where you'll go to request a rating and review on your dashboard:

Next, find the health fair you'd like to request a rating and review for and you'll see a link at the bottom of the listing:

Once you click the link, you'll see one page that tells you how much it is for you to request a rating and review with a button to send.
The button triggers a simple email to the host that allows them to click a direct link to rate and review you.

Requesting a rating and review from a health fair you performed well at is a wise decision.
Keep in mind that higher ratings and reviews will help you get into more health fairs.
Soon, HFC's vendor directory will be based off ratings and reviews.
Hope this helps!