How do I create a vendor profile on HFC?
Posted on Saturday November 5 2016
Before you can gain access to HFC, you need to create a free, vendor profile.
Yep, I said free - no strings attached.
So, when you arrive at the homepage of HFC's platform (, you'll find there are two ways to sign up:
1. Click the large, green "Join For Free Now" button. It will take you to a page with two options, and you will want to select, "I present at health fairs."
2. Click, "Become a Vendor" at the top of the homepage. This will take you directly to the vendor signup form.
Check out the pic below to see what we're talking about...

As mentioned above, the last thing you'll need to complete is the vendor signup form.
It takes about 30 secs to complete and will ask you the following:
- Name
- Company Name
- Zip Code
- Service Category (your area of expertise)
- Email address
- Create a password
Once you knock this out, you have full access to HFC's platform.
Hope this helps!