How do I get a good booth photo?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
It's essential that you have an awesome health fair booth photo on your profile. Here's an example:There are hundreds of examples if you browse through Health Fair Connections' (HFC) vendor directory:https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors Many vendors are asking, how do I take a photo of my awesome booth? The good news is, all you need is a smart phone - which most folks have these days...If you're not attending a health fair anytime soon, set your health fair booth up in your office, office building, or space that appears to be inside of a corporation. Then, snap snap :-)Make sure ...

I received a rating or review I feel is unjust or incorrect.
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
Health Fair Connections (HFC) will soon have a way where you can reply to a bad, unjust, rating or review (or any rating and review for that matter).The host will not receive the message (so there will be no exchange), but your response and explanation will show up on your profile when other host companies are reviewing your profile.And don't worry.As you receive more rating and reviews, they will drown out the negative review and move it lower and lower on the list.HFC also allows you to request a rating and review from the health fairs you attended in the past.All you have to do is locate...

How do I make my vendor profile stand out?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
I'd like my profile to stand out... What can I do to make this happen so that I increase my chances of getting selected for health fairs?Below are a few tips to help you make your HFC profile more appealing to hosting companies. Your profile and listing are what help you stand out and get selected to attend employee health fairs.And if you do the following, you'll be on the right track:1. Have a good booth photo Having booth photos on your HFC profile is critical in getting selected to attend health fairs. Hosts (HR teams and benefits professionals) rank this as the number one thing they c...

Can we provide flu shots?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
Can we provide onsite flu shots during their health fair?The answer: It all depends on what the host is looking to have at their health fair.I know, that's not ideal.But you'll be happy to know that quite frequently, yes, they are looking for a provider that can offer onsite flu shots during their health fair.The first step would be to get on the list of interested vendors, fill out the form, and under "interactive offerings," enter in that you can provide flu shots during the health fairSee the pic below of a health fair event page. Health fair event pages are where you can join the list o...

I have a question about the companies insurance
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
I have a question about the companies insurance... How do I find out the answer to my question??As you can see above, the insurance information provided by the host is listed on the event page for that particular health fair.And if you're a medical, dental, vision provider (or any other provider that would usually accept insurance), you need to be in network (or at least accept) the hosting company's insurance.So, this wouldn't apply to the yoga studios, gyms, etc.. Usually, the insurance information provided by the host is not going to have policy specifics.And as a vendor, we understand y...

Is the health fair still happening?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
From time to time, a health fair has to be canceled or postponed.This can happen for many different reasons, and you do not want to be caught off guard or just show up to a company that's not having a health fair.So, if a health fair is canceled or postponed, and if you were a registered vendor for that particular event, you will be notified via email.If you were not yet selected by the host but were on the vendor interested list waiting for review, you will be notified via your weekly status update email .And when the health fair is postponed, and you're on the registered vendor list, you ...

Do I need to do anything after joining the list?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
As a matter of fact, yes.Please add vendors@healthfairconnections.com to your email contacts or address book.This will ensure you receive notifications about new health fairs in your area, as well as ensure you don't miss important emails from the hosts of health fairs, which you're on the interested vendor list.Your status updates will also come from vendors@healthfairconnections.com. This is another important email you do not want to miss (search, "what's my status in the health fair" for more details on status updates).It's so easy to add vendors@healthfairconnections.com to your contact...

Am I in the health fair?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
If you're ever worried you might have missed an email notification from HFC, related to the status of a particular health fair, you can quickly log in to your profile on healthfairconnections.com and see that information on your dashboard.It takes less than 10 secs.Check out the pic below to see where you can find your status of all health fairs on your dashboard:As you can see above, there are three sections on your dashboard overview related to your status in health fairs.PENDINGThe pending list is where you find your list of health fairs that are still undecided on your participation.You...

What's my status in the health fair?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
If you're ever worried you might have missed an email notification from HFC, related to the status of a particular health fair, you can quickly log in to your profile on healthfairconnections.com to see that information on your dashboard.It takes less than 10 secs.Check out this pic below of where you can get your event status updates on your HFC dashboard:As you can see above, there are three sections on your dashboard overview related to your status in health fairs.PENDINGThe pending list is where you find your list of health fairs that are still undecided on your participation.You'll hav...

What's the difference between the free and paid ad options?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
As you might have noticed by now, HFC is not like your typical, third-party health fair company.We're not charging you for health fair booths on a first come / first serve basis. In fact, we're not charging for health fair booths at all.HFC offers a free option to health fair exhibitors, believe it or not.* We refer to it as the basic, free ad.So, HFC gives you and your fellow exhibitors a chance to stand out in front of companies hosting health fairs to your liking with either a free/basic or a paid/high chance ad.See the pic below:As you can see above, there are quite a bit of extra perks...