How do I sign up?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Visit healthfairconnections.com From there, (1) click "join for free" (large green button) on the homepage. Once you click "join for free, it will take you to a page to identify whether you're a health fair organizer (I plan health fairs) or vendor (I present at health fairs). (2) chose the "I present at health fairs" option by clicking that button and it will take you to sign up form. It takes 30 sections to create a vendor account on Health Fair Connections (HFC) and it's no cost :)

Survey - should I do it?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Health Fair Vendor Survey - Should I fill it out?Uh, yes… :) Health Fair Connections (HFC) vendor survey is 5 short questions, then there is a text box. Once you're finished, you'll be asked to rank HFC on a scale from 1-10. It takes less than 2 minutes.You'll receive credits for each survey you do - as of December 31st, so it's a no brainer to take 90-120 seconds to complete it... This data will be stored and you’ll have access to it for future health fairs to make decisions off of. We will attach that information to the company's address, this way if they have another health fair in the f...

Raffle prize - what should I do with it?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
As a health fair vendor, what do I need to do with my raffle prize when I arrive at the health fair?Hopefully, you’ll receive these instructions from the host 2-3 days prior to attending the health fair.If not, we will have you know that certain corporations and organizations hosting health fairs like to display vendors raffle prizes at the head table where employees check in at. Others like vendors to keep their raffle prizes at their table throughout the duration of the health fair, then give the host their raffle at end along with the name of the employee who won the raffle prize.If you ...

What host like to see from the vendors attending their health fair
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
What host like to see from their participating health fair vendorsKeep in mind, for each health fair, you’ll receive ratings and reviews from the host - so be mindful of this...Here’s a short list of what HR managers like to see from vendors at health fairs:Vendors showing up on timeVendors standing and being engagingVendors not being pushyVendors respecting their employeesVendors giving away free samplesVendors providing nice raffle prizesVendors being courteous to other vendorsDo your best and you’ll receive positive ratings and reviews that will help you get into future health fairs. Mak...

Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Soliciting at the health fairBy soliciting at the health fair, we mean "No this-for-that".Here’s two examples of a vendor doing just that while speaking with an employee:“In order to receive a smoothy, you must first give us your email”“in order to get a free t-shirt, you must first give us your email.”So vendors, no “this for that”. Make sense?

Vendor set up time
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
What time should I set up before the health fair starts?Vendor set up normally begins an hour before the health fair.We encourage all vendors to begin setting up at least 45 mins to an hour before the health fair to avoid setting up at the last minute, stressing the HR manager out and looking bad to the employees and other vendors. You will be rated and review on this! If you show up right before the health fair starts, expect this type of rating:Also, please keep in mind that parking may be an issue and some health fair venues are not easy to get to, so many sure you account for this.It ne...

How many employees will I see?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Health Fair Employee TurnoutIt’s very rare you will see the total amount of employees onsite for a corporation or organization for their employee health fair. Here's two rules of thumb that will help you, as a vendor, know what to expect:Expect at least 35-40% percent turnout of employees at companies with over 100 total employees (100 + employees) Expect at least 50% - 75% turnout for companies with less than 100 employees (less than 100 employees)For the super large companies, say with 2000 employees onsite at their campus, expect a turnout of 20-30% (200-300) of employees to come through...

Wifi and Electricity - Can I get it at the health fair?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
If you express you need electricity or wifi for the health fair during the registration process, it’s a high chance the company will have you at a table with electric hook up and will give you the wifi access (username and password).We ask all health fair host to properly accommodate vendors for their health fair and if they cannot, we give them the option to message all vendors if this is the case.

Will food be provided at the health fair?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Will free food and drinks be provided to the wellness fair vendors?Well, all health fairs are different...Some companies and host provide food and drinks for their vendors, some do not. It doesn't mean that it's going to be a bad health fair if a host doesn't provide food and drinks. With that said, always be prepared for if they are not going to be providing food, especially if you're someone that gets hungry and thirsty. If the host is providing food, hopefully they'll inform you via email through HFC's announcement feature - a feature which they can mass message all vendors. Feel free to...

Will I receive a reminder or parking instructions prior to arriving?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Health Fair Parking Instructions - will I get them?Hopefully, yes! We email the host five days, then 3 days before the health fair asking them to send out parking instructions to their registered vendors.We make the process very easy for the host in their dashboard.They can message all registered vendors for their health fair at once and will receive responses in case you send back a question.Please do not take advantage of the open line of communication, and unnecessarily message the host, as you'll be flagged.If you don't receive parking instructions, show up at the address (provided on t...