Do the vendors I select in HFC charge me or my organization?
Posted on Monday November 21 2016
For the most part - NO.Your average vendor will not charge you or your company to attend your health fair, nor charge you for any of the materials or services they provide.Where you're going to find a cost is if you're trying to secure biometric screenings (cholesterol, glucose checks, etc.) or flu shots (although flu shots usually are billed through your insurance). However, you wouldn't incur that cost on Health Fair Connections' (HFC) platform. In over 600+ health fairs, we haven't seen the typical health fair vendor charge the company a fee, and if they would like to charge, they're no...

When are they going to start approving vendors for the health fair?
Posted on Saturday November 19 2016
Do you know when I'm going to be approved or denied from the health fair?Health Fair Connections (HFC) takes strong measures to make sure the host lets you know whether you're approved or denied for their health fair in a timely fashion.However, all hosts are different.Some hosts are going to be more responsive than others.So, that's why we ask them for a concrete deadline as to when they will give a response to all vendors.That date is located on the health fair event page.See below:Not only do they give us the deadline date, we remind them weekly they have vendors awaiting a response the ...

Who is in the health fair?
Posted on Wednesday November 16 2016
"Umm, yes - who is exactly in the health fair and how do I find out?"One of the main questions we get asked by vendors is, "Who is in the health fair?" Meaning, which vendors were selected by the host to attend?As a vendor on Health Fair Connections (HFC), that's easy to figure out :)Make sure you're logged into HFC.Visit the health fair event page for the particular event you're inquiring about, and scroll below the details of the health fair. You'll see an interested tab and a registered tab.It will look like this:When you click the interested tab, you'll see all the vendors interested in...

Am I going to be the exclusive or ONLY vendor of my kind in the health fair?
Posted on Wednesday November 16 2016
As you might already know, Health Fair Connections (HFC) is a tech platform and not a third party health fair company. This means the host (aka HR and benefits team) at the organization/company has full control over the vendors they select to attend their health fair. So, we can't guarantee that another vendor with similar services is not selected.Not to worry, though! We let the host know it's not wise to pick multiple vendors that provide the same services (depending on the size of the health fair). And if they do, to not put those vendors next to each other. at the health fair.In all hon...

A vendor said he was charged, and charged unjustly.
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
First of all, Health Fair Connections (HFC) doesn't charge vendors to attend your health fair OR for booth spaces at your health fair. HFC give vendors the ability to show up on your list of interested vendors as a premium ad or a free ad (keyword, ad as it implies they're advertising). In order to pay for a premium ad, a vendor must select that option, then go through 4 steps, then enter their credit card information... So, if a vendor says they don't know why they charged, or was charged a booth space, or was charged to attend your health fair - they're not being honest with you, so be ca...

Cancelation Number - What is this?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
If you have a cancelation number on your vendor profile, say if it says 1 cancelation (or more), this means you canceled from the health fair inside of the 14 window - which means you didn't cancel in a timely manner. Some cancelations or just (someone in the family died, car wreak, and etc.) and some are unjust (staffing issues, rain, and etc.) . Regardless, at this point in Health Fair Connections's (HFC) ecosystem, we tally them whether they are just or unjust. If you receive more than 3, it's highly unlikely that you have 3 just cancelations.

Vendors aren't showing up
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
No worries if you've used Health Fair Connections (HFC) for your health fair. Here's what's going on: Some vendors participate in health fairs on a weekly basis and get comfortable with setting up quickly; therefore, show up right before the health fair starts. Don't stress to much over this. If this upsets you, feel free to leave the vendor a rating and review after the health fair. Here are things HFC does to ensure there aren't any no shows:Health Fair Connections (HFC) will email all registered vendors at least 3 times asking them to click a button to confirm their attendance in the hea...

How Do I Back Out Registered Health Fair Vendors & Exhibitors?
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Every now and then, you might make a mistake and select the wrong vendor or accidentally overbook. No worries! HR, benefits, and other health fair organizers always have full control over the vendors & exhibitors in their health fair when using HFC's platform. So with that being said, below are the few easy steps to back out any vendor registered for your health fair. 1. Head to the Registered tab in your Vendors section.2. Find the vendor you want to remove and select "Back Out Vendor"3. Enter your reason for backing out the vendor and click "CANCEL REGISTRATION"(please note: the messa...

How can I postpone or reschedule my health fair
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
If you need to postpone your health fair, please use the contact us form at the bottom of this page. If you need to reschedule your health fair, use the "edit" link in your dashboard to change the health fair details. When you use the edit health fair details form, all the vendors will be notified to the new date and time once you click submit.

I need to cancel my health fair
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
Use the contact link at the bottom of this page to let us know you'd like to cancel your account. Health Fair Connections (HFC) is a lean start up that's trying to break through barriers, so it's important to us to know why you're canceling...It would be of great help if you could let us know why you're canceling and your honest feelings about HFC. If you would be so kind to do that, that would be awesome. We promise to not pester you with questions or phone calls after you do, unless you'd like to connect to give us more info. Host cancel their health fairs for the following reasons:Not un...