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Since 2006 Dr. Jennifer McCleary has dedicated her life to helping the community to do more of what they love. She is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician®, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist®, as well as certified to perform acupuncture and meridian therapy. She holds current licenses to practice chiropractic in the state of Missouri and in California. She works with individuals of almost any age and activity level as long as there is a willingness to be well. Dr. McCleary has been recognized for her attention to detail, a comprehensive approach, and the ability to connect with her patients.
Raffle Prize: gift certificate for acupuncture services
Interactive Element: The Functional Movement Screen (FMS). We usually perform one test from the entire screen. This is an interactive activity that is great way for individuals to learn more about their common movement patterns and how it is realated to injury. You can find more information at
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
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