Don’t stress the employee raffle. Use HFC’s guidance
HFC can help you with the employee raffle and make the process is stress free. We have it all figured out for you.
PLAN MY HEALTH FAIR5 Tips for Handling the Employee Raffle
1 Decide to collect the raffle prizes at the head table
The head table is a great place to keep and display all the raffle prizes. It serves as a central location to keep track of the raffle prizes. Raffle prizes can entice employees to enter the health fair and add motivation to see more vendors.
2 Alert / message vendors
Mass message vendors through HFC letting all vendors know they need to drop the raffle prize off at the head table to be displayed. Let the vendors know they need to give you their raffle prize BEFORE the health fair starts to eliminate stress during and after the health fair.
3 Use Raffle or HFC’s Attendance Ticket
If using raffle tickets:
As employees enter the raffle, make sure the only grab one raffle ticket. On that ticket, tell them to put their name and best contact number / email, then DROP it in the raffle jar / bucket / bowl and enter the health fair.
If using the attendance ticket:
As employees enter the health fair, tell them to take an attendance ticket. Next, tell them to write their name and contact information. Tell them as they go around to the vendors, get the vendors to initial their name or logo on the ticket. Let the employees know when they exit the health fair to drop the ticket back off at the head table so they’ll be entered into the raffle and counted as attended.
4 Conduct the raffle after the health fair
There is no need to worry over conducting the raffle during the health fair. Let employees know they will find out the winners later that day or later that week. Doing the raffle during the health fair causes unneeded stress, and not all the employees will be there anyways. What we’ve found is it’s best to do the raffle in your office after the health fair.
5 Don’t assign raffle prizes; Have the employees pick as they come
Pick a ticket, then call / email that employee to come down and pick out their raffle prize. This works best because that employee has a high chance of actually liking their raffle prize, verse being assigned a prize that doesn’t serve them well. For example, a person with perfect vision might not need money off at their local optometrist.
HFC gives you the tools, dashboard, and knowledge to take your health fair to the next level
Use the FREE resource, have fun, and don’t stress this time round!