Broker & Carrier
Account Managers

Talking to clients about their employee health fair? Would they like FREE assistance and a no-cost planning solution?
Put them on the fast track to having a first-rate health fair with minimal effort (less than 5 mins of your time) required by you or your client.

Get your groups started on their employee health fair.

Launch in less than 5 minutes

1. List your client's health fair on HFC [ 2 mins]

In four simple steps you'll be able to list your client's health fair. Feel free to use the non-electronic form to collect the information over the phone with the client.

Download "New Client Health Fair" Form >>

2. Invite your client to the health fair dashboard [30 secs]

You can invite your client right through the dashboard. They will be able to manage every aspect, or monitor your progress in real time - it's up to you.

3. Approve vendors

Once HFC has generated a healthy list of interested vendors, you or your client can go through and hand pick only the vendors you want.