Connecting corporations to wellness professionals via health fairs
4236 Corporations & Organizations Listed Their Health Fairs on HFC
16494 Health & Wellness Professionals Exhibited in Health Fairs on HFC
Vision and Mission
By 2019, HFC will be the nation’s top resource for seamlessly, quickly and affordably connecting companies and organizations that want to host health fairs, workshops, screenings, etc. with the health and wellness professionals who provide these services and wish to participate in these events.
We will accomplish our vision by continually investing in enhancing all aspects of our host companies’ and exhibitors’ health fair experiences. This includes ongoing investments in our platform’s infrastructure and website’s copy and navigation. We will also continue to build our brand’s reputation in the marketplace by adding meaningful value and service extensions (e.g. lunch ‘n’ learns, wellness workshops, and more) as well as, establishing exhibitor and host standards that support HFC’s branding strategies.
In-tune & Empathetic
We will listen carefully to our employees, suppliers, and clients, and incorporate their ideas to improve our platform, model, systems, processes and more.
Wow User Experience
We will always look for new ways to innovate our products, services and processes to the point where it gets the reaction of “OMG, this is cutting edge.”
Over Deliever
We will do whatever it takes to ensure that we delivered on the promised experience 100% of the time; if we fall short, we will do whatever it takes to make things right.
We will conduct our business with honesty, transparency and integrity.
Passion for Growth
Our employees will be treated with the utmost respect at all times and be encouraged to develop their personal strengths and passions
“We want to build the Facebook for health fairs and corporate wellness”
- Kyle & Kyle, 2013