TLC for Smiles
TLC for Smiles
We specialize in pediatric dentistry and orthodontic care for all ages. In addition to traditional braces, our office is a top provider of Invisalign® treatment! We offer excellent care and patient experience, as well as convenient office hours. Check us out at for more information about our office.
Raffle Prize: Gift card.
Interactive Element: We have a prize wheel where people can spin to win lots of fun prizes, including sugar-free lollipops, toothbrushes, chapsticks, drawstring bags, pens and pencils. We also offer a free smile visualization, which is a 3D imaging of a person's teeth to show them what their smile could look like after Invisalign® treatment.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Tabby Boulware
Casey Dunlap
Yann Schrodi
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