Two Prudential Plaza
Two Prudential Plaza
Qigong is an ancient practice that dates back at least 7,000 years. It is considered a cornerstone of Chinese Medicine and includes gentle physical movements, visualization and meditation. Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ), a modernized form of qigong, was created by International Qigong Master Chunyi Lin with a focus on gaining the greatest benefit in the shortest amount of time. SFQ can improve all aspects of health; circulation, flexibility, strengthening immunity, emotional stability, mental clarity, stress reduction, pain relief all while providing an increased sense of happiness and vitality. Master Lin believes that everyone is born a healer and can help themselves heal and help others heal as well. His vision is “A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering.” Chunyi is the author of a #1 Amazon bestseller, Born A Healer. He is also coauthor with Dr. Nisha Manek of the Mayo Clinic of a chapter on Qigong in a medical school textbook, The Textbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Second Edition. Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) is a simple, effective system of movements and meditations that can be done anywhere, anytime, and by anyone. No equipment is needed, and thousands of practitioners worldwide have reported incredible results.
Raffle Prize: Certified Qigong Healing - a chance for someone to have a full sit down with a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Master Healer.
Interactive Element: We provide short 5 minute qigong healing sessions that allow people the chance to experience what qigong can do for themselves.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Ann Minoff, Certified Spring Forest Qigong Instructor
Beth Kronfeld, Spring Forest Qigong Practice Group Leader
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