<h4> <i>We have an 18,000 square foot facility and are focused on optimum health for your staff. This means less sick days and more productive energy for important projects. Having this type of high level integrative medicine that is billable with insurance and is this close to your office is something to take advantage of for your staff. We even have packages that we can develop specifically for your company from executive to all levels of staff. Our booth helps introduce your staff to what it means to find out the root cause of their symptoms and achieve long term healing. Along with physician consultations, we also have a relaxing station with the free BioMat sessions that always puts a smile on people's faces. </i><br></h4><h4>Integrative Medicine gets to the root cause.</h4> Where traditional medicine focuses on the symptoms, integrative medicine looks to identify and treat the root cause of why the symptom is occurring in the first place. If you have a chronic headaches, a traditional physician will give you a prescription in order to minimize your headaches. We take this further and ask the question, “Why do you have a headache?” Through the use of state of art diagnostics we have helped patients identify the root cause such as dehydration, food sensitivities, inflammation, etc. The goal is to stop their symptoms from occurring. Integrative medicine does not replace traditional medicine; it actually enhances it by allowing the body to heal through the partnership of the patient and physician. <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
Raffle Prize: 1st appt complimentary; healthy tote bag
Interactive Element: integrative medicine information
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