Megan Chandler
Megan Chandler
Do your members feel limited by their glasses and contacts? Do they have a complicated cataract case that cannot use traditional intraocular lens (IOL) options? Or do they have a child with aphakia who hates their bulky glasses? We are an ophthalmology medical device company with an FDA approved treatment option for nearsightedness called the ARTISAN Myopia Phakic IOLs and two current clinical trials for ARTISAN Aphakia IOLs, both of which use a unique fixation technique that offers less surgical trauma. We would love the opportunity to educate your members about our treatment options with over 30 years of proven safety and share trusted local provider information to get them on their way to better sight.
Raffle Prize: Portable Phone Charger
Interactive Element: We demonstrate the fixation technique of our lens via simulation
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Megan Chandler
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