Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi
Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi
Body & Brain is a national leader in holistic health and wellness. Our classes in yoga, tai chi, meditation, detox, and rhythmic movement combine East Asian healing and energy philosophies. Our practice is for more than just your physical health! We focus our exercises, workshops, and programs to also open your mind and heart for rich experiences of inner healing. You will enjoy deep feelings of power, serenity, joy, and emotional stability that ripples its' effects into all areas of your life. Our method is a brain-based approach to comprehensive wellness. Overall health starts with a healthy brain, since it regulates all bodily functions, emotions, and thoughts. We utilize our own 5-step approach to activate the brain through a deep mind-body connection. Your brain is the key! At Body & Brain we believe that your body holds all answers. We encourage our practitioners to trust their body’s innate wisdom and therefore do not require a high degree of flexibility, balance, or strength to follow our basic exercises. Our training and healing methods accommodate people of all ages, body types, and fitness levels to participate comfortably, at their own pace.
Raffle Prize: Free Aura Readings
Interactive Element: Aura Readings: Our Aura Reading Machine reads the bio-electric energy from your hands! It's an electronic biofeedback machine, based on Kirlian photography. With this technology, the biofeedback provides a picture of what your energy field looks like. Each aura picture has different colors and shapes according to your energy at the time. This gives you an even deeper understanding of your energy, so that we can help you create stronger balance and more holistic wellness in your life!
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Hilary Reinglass
Deanna Lee
Ken Hong
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