Lemongrass Spa Products - Omaha
Lemongrass Spa Products - Lincoln
Lemongrass Spa Products - Omaha
Lemongrass Spa Products - Lincoln
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Our mission is to provide affordable, natural, chemical-free skincare and body care products for you and your entire family.
I offer a line of natural personal care products that are designed to eliminate the toxic chemicals in the products that you use on your skin every day. 10% of all cancers are genetic. The other 90% is a result of what you eat, breathe or absorb through your skin. Does a chemical that may cause cancer to lurk in your cosmetics? Or worse, in your kid’s personal care items? Maybe. According to data from the Federal Food and Drug Administration, nearly 1 in 5 cosmetic products contains a substance that generates formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen. I can help you make healthier 'choices' when replacing something as simple as your shampoo!!! By utilizing products that are all natural and contain the vitamins and minerals our skin is lacking, we can create healthier, vibrant, younger looking skin without the need for chemicals. Our mission is simple: Provide natural products that are clean and handmade fresh, right here in America.
Raffle Prize: A Skincare Gift Set. $35 Value
Interactive Element: Provide hand spa treatment and information on how to look for and eliminate chemicals in the products you currently use.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
April Carnahan
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