Kallal Medical Group
Kallal Medical Group
We provide complimentary venous reflux ultrasound screenings to show the patient if they are suffering from venous reflux, and what causes varicose veins. Most patients think that bulging veins and spider veins are varicose veins. We educate them that is not always the case. They don't even have to see them. They can have symptoms of pain, swelling, fatigue, cramping, restless legs, waxy/itchy skin, and skin discoloration that are all caused from varicose veins they can not see. It just takes a quick ultrasound that we provide to show them what a normal vein looks like and what a dilated vein looks like. Takes 5 minutes
Raffle Prize: We can bring crafty baskets to Fitbits. We are open to whatever theme you need or want
Interactive Element: We do complimentary venous ultrasound screenings and provide educational information
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Crissy Donegan
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