Joints in Motion Chiropractic understands that less than 10% of Illinoisans have utilized chiropractic care. They also understand the benefits of chiropractic which is why they want to share the "best-kept secret" in healthcare with you and your employees.<br><br>By simply adding spinal manipulative care to the current treatment regimen for spine related disorders has been shown to “offer a significant clinical advantage in pain reduction and reduced disability” increasing effectiveness from 17% to 73%! "<p>Chiropractic care can decrease time away from work, medication usage, unnecessary surgical interventions and accompanying hospital admissions. As a board certified chiropractic orthopedist, Dr. Plaskett's goal is to maximize his patient's ability to perform his or activitites of daily living without pain or loss of function, as far as is possible. <br></p> <br><br><br><br>
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