Inspire Wellness & Physical Therapy
Inspire Wellness & Physical Therapy
Our team consists of doctors of medicine and physical therapy with additional training and experience in nutrition and exercise science. We have taken care of the young and the experienced from all walks of life; we have supported them through their injuries and illnesses. As military veterans, we have kept our soldiers ready to fight and helped them recover when they were injured. We are a comprehensive team of doctors who look at you as more than just an illness or an injury. We provide physical therapy services with a holistic mindset to help you recover from injury, while our wellness services help to prevent the next injury.
Raffle Prize: 1 free month of Registered Dietician Vistits, Custom Workouts for 1 month
Interactive Element: Blood Pressure Screening, Blood Glucose Screening, Nutrition Analysis, Stretching Demonstrations
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Elizabeth Thornburg
Dr. Jason Patten
Mary-Beth Weaver, PA-C
Rachel Barcio, PT, DPT
Sarah Schlichter, RDN, LDN
Nicole Patten, PT, DPT
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