My company helps people make desired changes in their lives by using hypnosis & an energy based therapy called EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of the conscious mind and body. The subconscious mind cannot think for itself. It only knows what it is taught or told. It does not have the power to reason. It therefore accepts and acts upon any fact or suggestion given to it by the conscious, thinking, analytical mind. Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where the inner-mind, also referred to as the subconscious mind, remains awake and receptive to suggestion. Change your mind, change your life! Whatever someone makes up their mind to change, hypnosis makes that change easier to make. Hypnosis has improved the lives of many people in the following areas: Anger Management Anxiety, stress Business Performance Concentration, Focus Creativity Energy Exercise motivation Fears and phobias Food cravings Forgiveness Getting over Divorce Guilt Jealousy Learning skills Memory Motivation Nail biting Negative thoughts Organization skills Pain control Panic attacks Procrastination Public speaking Restful sleep, insomnia Road rage, Driving anger Sales motivation Smoking cessation Speeding Sports performance Test anxiety Weight Management And many more. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a system of finger tapping acupuncture sites. EFT is based on the 5,000-year-old tradition of acupressure. It is based on the fact that the body has a complex series of energy circuits, or meridians, which run throughout the body. When your energy system is blocked, it affects your body in many different ways. Some say that, “the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” By tapping on the body while focusing on the negative emotion, you are able to release the negative emotion. Many people use it effectively for stress, tension, anxiety, anger, sadness, cravings, fears, muscle tension, muscle cramps, even physical pain. It can even be used for problem solving. One of the most astonishing features about EFT is that a shift in a person’s understanding of their problem happens simultaneously with the relief. After EFT, people talk about their problem differently. They put it in a healthy perspective. People who use EFT for relief from guilt no longer take blame for whatever event gave rise to the guilt. Anger turns to objectivity. Grief turns to a healthy, more peaceful perspective about the death of a loved one. Notice how you and others respond to your former problem and you will see what I mean. Your understanding shifts right along with the relief. EFT has nine easy steps. It is simple to learn, and easy to use. With a little practice, you will be performing each round in under a minute. I teach clients to “tap” their way to life’s solutions. EFT even gives surprisingly good relief from physical problems. This is easy to understand in light of the emerging attitudes toward the existence of the mind-body connection. EFT provides striking evidence of this connection. What more obvious proof could one want than to watch changes in both mind and body occur, as a result of tapping on the body’s energy system? But the evidence goes even deeper than this. Applying EFT for emotional issues often brings on the cessation of physical problems. Breathing problems go away. Headaches vanish. Joint pains subside. The list of physical improvements brought about by EFT is endless. The logical inference from this is that EFT effectively addresses any emotional contributors to one’s physical symptoms. Once the emotional contributors are out of the way, the symptom subsides. There are those, of course, who believe that one’s emotions or mental processes are the only cause of their physical diseases. I don’t know how to prove or disprove that notion but I offer the rather obvious fact that emotions, at the very least, substantially contribute to one’s physical health. And EFT is an efficient tool for relief in this regard.
Raffle Prize: A gift certificate to do hypnosis in my office. $180 value
Interactive Element: Listen to what Hypnosis sounds like on a CD & experience EFT.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: No
Margaret Arthur
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