Align Wellness
Align Wellness
Align Wellness is your welcoming home for Foundational Health. This means that our focus is to restore conditions that your body cannot restore on its own. We can help you know what to change and how to change the things you do with your body so that you don’t add to your problems unnecessarily. We can also teach you how to choose what to feed your body in order to create an INvironment (internal environment) that will help you thrive. Our services include Advanced Biostructual Correction care for alignment, Ideal Protein for Weight Loss, nutrition consultations, and conditioning training for strength. By addressing the foundations of your health at Align Wellness, you can overcome both long-standing and new physical discomforts, aches, pains, injuries, digestive issues, and many other problems even those seemingly far removed the choices needed to get healthy.
Raffle Prize: Five visit care package
Interactive Element: "Client" focused conversation with free 5 minute chair massage
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: No
Claire Jones
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