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It is my purpose to be a compassionate guide, integrating a holistic mind/body/spirit paradigm to promote health, wellness, and well~being, while facilitating and empowering my client’s growth and healing. As an RN with 30 years of vast experience, I have the education, experience and skills to understand chronic disease, medications, medical interventions, and what is needed to manage disease holistically. Once people experience health & wellness coaching by an RN, they realize that they are getting a higher level of experience, education, care and deep transformational coaching that will create changes to last a lifetime. I am able to coach clients virtually anywhere in the US.
Raffle Prize: 3 Free Coaching Sessions
Interactive Element: I use coaching prompt cards with my visitors to do a mini coaching exercise.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Jacqui Angelo, RN, NC
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