Dr. Nick Rohlfs, Dr. Dalton Wood
Dr. Nick Rohlfs, Dr. Dalton Wood
Dr. Eric Mersch
Dr. Nick Rohlfs, Dr. Dalton Wood
Dr. Nick Rohlfs, Dr. Dalton Wood
Dr. Eric Mersch
Our doctors are the official chiropractic providers to the Cincinnati Reds, Wittenberg University, Xavier University, and Wilmington College. Our highly reputable group specializes in chiropractic, soft tissue therapy and rehabilitation. We want to help our patients get out of pain and also teach them how to stay that way.
Raffle Prize: Gift Card
Interactive Element: Hands on, brief consult, one on one with doctor, answering questions, education on stretches/exercises
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Dr. Eric Mersch
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