Paradox Health
Paradox Health
I am the only physician in the suburbs of Detroit working under the model of direct primary care (DPC). This is a relatively new way of providing primary care but there are now over 700 providers across the nation operating under this model. Patients receive unlimited visits with the doctor in exchange for a small age-based monthly membership fee ($50-$85/mo/person). Labs, imaging, and medications are provided at wholesale pricing, or the patient may run these things through their insurance. I do not bill insurance because it puts up barriers in the care I am able to provide to my patients. Your employees can get same-day appointments with me, and see me as much as they want, whether in-person, by phone, text, or email. They can reach me when they are out of town and have a medical issue, and I can meet them at the clinic after-hours to take care of their needs (24/7 access). Procedures done in the clinic, such as laceration repair, skin cancer removal, or joint injection, are all included with the monthly membership fee at no extra cost. No start-up fees, no co-pays, no contracts. DPC has proven to decrease visits to the ER and urgent cares, hospital admission rates, as well as specialist visits, and advanced imaging. My patients are taken care of as though they are family members and I am able to do this by capping my patient load at 600. This is the only model that allows for healthcare to be simultaneously affordable, accessible, and of the highest quality.
Raffle Prize: One month of FREE care
Interactive Element: Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Pulse Oximetry measurement
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Philip Hellman MD
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