OsteoStrong Fort Myers
OsteoStrong Fort Myers
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OsteoStrong Fort Myers is not a gym, diet, supplement, pharmaceutical, or medical treatment. We are a wellness studio that uses unique technology that enables you to improve your overall health. We use the most cutting-edge, science-backed technologies available to help you achieve your goals and achieve an optimal state of physical and cognitive performance. We are South West Florida’s first facility dedicated to biohacking. Our collective state-of-the-art biohacking equipment is unparalleled.
OsteoStrong Fort Myers is our regions first Biohacking Studio! We offer services that can naturally trigger your own adaptive responses to improve bone density, physical strength, greatly improve the quality of your sleep and athletic performance.
Raffle Prize: We will provide a free membership and one month free sessions to OsteoStrong Fort Myers
Interactive Element: Balance testing, bone density testing, demo of x3 bar and vibe plate
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Gregory A. Robrahn, PT, DPT, GCS
Mila Marhovich, PT, DPT, GCS
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