OM Center
OM Center
Our mission is to use holistic methods to educate and positively impact the way our local community views and manages their health. Improving the health of the community improves the community itself and provides opportunities to live to our maximal potential. In our office we evaluate people structurally and functionally, and can do so in minutes. Once people are aware of the underlying problem(s), we help them correct it through improving joint function, creating a short daily exercise/yoga routine and manual therapy if necessary to assist soft tissue repair/remodeling. Without correcting underlying dysfunction, exercises and ergonomics only strengthen dysfunctional patterns. The ergonomics and other wellness services you offer can now further buttress their health.
Raffle Prize: Massage therapy, dinner gift certificates
Interactive Element: bilateral weight scales to see balance compensation , functional posture tests
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Julianne Misra
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