Lemongrass Spa Products
Lemongrass Spa Products
Lemongrass Spa Products with Bev does not have any reviews yet.
Because we know how important healthy living is to you, our mission is to provide affordable, natural, chemical-free skincare products for you and your entire family. I offer a line of natural/organic skin and body care solutions that are safe for the entire family. Our products are made with 100% natural or organic scents and are designed to eliminate the toxic chemicals in the products that you use on your skin every day. Invite us to your employee health and wellness fair, we travel!
10% of all cancers are genetic. The other 90% is a result of what you eat, breathe or absorb through your skin. Does a chemical that may cause cancer to lurk in your cosmetics? Or worse, in your kid’s personal care products. My passion is teaching people how to read labels and understand what they are buying. Whether they are buying my products or someone else's they should be aware of what they are putting on their bodies. During the health fair I hand out "kNOw your chemicals" cards so they can learn how to read those labels, and pamper them with a free hand spa treatment.
Raffle Prize: $25 gift certificate for their choice of products.
Interactive Element: I pamper your employees with a free hand spa treatment and provide information on how to eliminate toxic chemicals in your personal care products.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Bev Kim
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