November 2022
Lissa D. C.
HR Manager in
Winston-Salem, NC
Kneads You Inc. would not be invited back to Employee Benefits and Health fairs.
Company was originally designed to go into schools and businesses to provide stress relief to employees by allowing them to sign up for blocks of time set at 15-30 minutes. This business has a full-..body component as well. I can provide quick stress relief during the day and faculty and staff do not have to travel outside of their building. This would mean they have convenience, affordability and stress relief in one stop.
Raffle Prize: 15 minute chair massage (valued at $20)
Interactive Element: 5 minutes in the chair for a hand massage or Nukkles intro on the back
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Irma Jackson
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