Jo Moon
Jo Moon
Jo Moon, CHt has been helping people become smoke-free since 2006. She offers a one session stop program that is so successful that it is backed up with lifetime support at no additional charge. The process has a 95% success rate! It works for smokers, chewers, pipe smokers, cigar smokers, and vapers. Ohio State research shows that each smoker on a company's payroll costs them an average of $5,800 per year. Smoking cessations is one of the fastest ways to improve employee health and wellness while cutting corporate health costs.
Raffle Prize: No charge session - one per health fair - value $175
Interactive Element: Self-Hypnosis Demos - people are always intrigued.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Jo Moon is a Medical Support Consulting Hypnotist and a Certified Hypnosis Instructor through the ICBCH. She has helped hundreds of people improve their health through safe, easy, and drug free methods.
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