Nora Johnson
Nora Johnson
doTerra - AZ does not have any reviews yet.
Nora says that sharing doTERRA is something that fits in easily with her daily life. She brings the oils with her to her kids’ sports events. She says, “The track team kids know to go to Mrs. Johnson.” Any everyday event can become a sharing experience. One day her phone broke and she had to go into the store to get it fixed. The man at the counter asked her what she did for a living, so she told him about doTERRA. He was immediately eager to learn more. Nora says, “I’m not always about my own thing, but when I see a need and someone asks me a question, I will definitely share.”
She always tells new consultants that it’s important to learn how to teach a good class. “If you really want to get out of your warm market, you have to learn how to teach classes. That’s how you get your friends’ warm market and then the warm market of those friends.” She starts new consultants off by setting up four classes within a week and working them gradually into teaching.
Essential oils are revolutionizing the way families manage their health. My job is to empower others, by sharing nature's most powerful elements. Our booth is always a favorite at every event, the aroma of our Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oil from dōTERRA intrigues and attracts those interested in natural health. Guests will get to try and learn about the many health benefits of oils and leave with samples, and we have awesome raffle giveaways!
Raffle Prize: A free personalized oil blend
Interactive Element: Guest will get to try essential oils, and speak with a Wellness Advocate about natural alternatives.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Nora Johnson
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