Dallas ENT
Dallas ENT
We are a renowned and sought after ENT practice in Dallas. We specialize in sinus, allergy, voice and sleep disorders. Dallas is the number 3 city in the US for worst allergies and sinus/sleep/allergy issues, which has been known to affect employee morale, attendance and work performance. We offer several service lines to maximize a patient's visit. We have a CT scanner in-house, allergy testing, and a stroboscopy for a full throat examination. We were the first ones in the metroplex to offer the latest and innovative in-office sinus procedures and have very high patient reviews. Our core values are compassionate care, honesty and integrity, passion and pride, teamwork and unity. Our vision is "To Discover the Power of One's Senses Through Healing and Innovative Medicine. It is our practice to be the best."
Raffle Prize: Sinus and Allergy Care package - aromatherapy, steamer, sleep mask, etc.
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Priya Pandit
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