Crown Elevate Project, Offers Up a wide range of Coaching and Counseling services for all gender defining women impacted by homelessness, the criminal justice system, LGBTQI-A issues, young mothers in poverty, and women veteran trauma . Guiding all gender defining women looking to elevate out of whatever might be holding them back from crowning success. Offering “Short-Term” self-created sessions to all woman no matter their situation wanting to go deep within themselves to change their thinking that has kept them back from success and elevated growth. My services specifically target the most at risk, gender identifying woman rather than the average woman. At a time when all these identifying women face many new confusing circumstances, and wellness concerns, Crown Elevate Project specialized services will holistically encourage behavior enhancement, healthy habits, and mindful self-care. Crown Elevate Project is solely patronized by the most at risk community of women in their teens to mid-50’s. Most come from low income or are incarcerated/facility bound in the surrounding greater metropolitan area and are not able to spend a significant amount of money on elevating out of their been there done that mindset. All have some sort of shame or trauma holding them back, some of whom have no positions in the community.
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Interactive Element: Coupons for percentages off my select coaching sessions and company brand gift bag set
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Princess Brownfield
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