Hereditary Cancer Screenings and Genetic Carrier Screenings for Medicare and Medicaid Participants. Hereditary cancer screenings qualifications are medicare or medicaid enrollees who have a family history or personal history of cancer. The screenings look for genetic markers to see if you are predisposed to certain types of cancers. Our geneticists look at a minimum of 39 and up to 200 different markers. The genetic carrier screenings are for medicaid enrollees of childbearing age, no family history of cancer is required, these screenings look for chromosomal abnormalities of diseases you may carry that can be passed on to your children.
Raffle Prize: We are not allowed to bring prizes as this is considered incentive's and against medicare and medicaid policy.
Interactive Element: I do the screeinings in person at the booth, a simple cheek swab and paperwork and your done.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: No
Beri Garrett HIPPA Certified Patient Intake Specialist
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