Backbone Wellness
Backbone Wellness
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Backbone Wellness Institute is a new kind of Chiropractic. Focusing on total body health and wellness our screenings and presentations are always performed by our Chiropractor, Dr. Clinton Garda. Through his community outreach and public speaking programs, Dr. Garda has touched thousands of patients and other chiropractors with his passion and sincerity. Whether he is treating a patient, screening for blood pressure or posture, or presenting a 10 minute talk or Lunch-n-Learn, Dr. Clinton is knowledgable, compassionate and there for you and your employees.
Raffle Prize: $50 gift certificate
Interactive Element: Posture screenings and a being able to the Doctor questions.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Clinton Garda, D.C.
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