Access Healthcare of Apex
Access Healthcare of Apex
We provide Direct Primary Care with completely transparent and capped pricing for most outpatient medical care. Think of us as a gym membership model for healthcare. Patients or employers/employees pay a monthly or yearly set fee and then receive primary care visits and services at little to no additional costs. Individual patients can get family medicine memberships for $49 per month. Services like cholesterol testing, physicals, and most routine labwork is at no additional cost. Many employers find this is an excellent way to provide primary care for their employees at a known and fixed costs. Many patients also find this an affordable way to provide primary care for their entire family at a very affordable price. We also contract with health plans and brokers directly for our national network of practices.
Raffle Prize: Free Blood Pressure Monitor or $50 gift card
Interactive Element: Free tests for percent body fat, BMI, lung function with spirometry, alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency screening
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: Yes
Susan Bavisotto
Brian Forrest MD
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