360 Degree Chiropractic
360 Degree Chiropractic
Our Mission: The mission of 360 Degree Chiropractic and Dr. Kathy J. Pansegrau, D.C., P.S.C., is to facilitate healing and wellness through advanced neuromusculoskeletal treatment and to empower our patients with the knowledge necessary to make responsible healthcare decisions. Our Values: Commitment to Principles: We are passionate about health and wellness care, and strive to be models of the principles and practices that we teach. Lasting Patient Impact: We are dedicated to delivering the highest levels of health services available to our patients. Our success comes only with their success. Respect for each Individual Patient: We acknowledge our limitations in our quest to facilitate the body's power to heal and appreciate each individual's unique and incredible recuperative power. Our Vision: 360 Degree Chiropractic's goal is to offer services in a caring, convenient, cost-effective and accessible manner that will set community standards and exceed patients' expectations.
Raffle Prize: First-day services at discounted rate and 360° Chiropractic T-shirt. Value $440.
Interactive Element: We utilize sEMG Myovision technology to provide muscle-tension testing and postural analysis.
Brings Printed Materials: Yes
Brings Giveaways & Freebies: No
Samantha Gioffre
Jennifer Chamberlain
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