Workplace Banking


Health Fair Connections (HFC) Exhibitors



Health Fairs: 4
Raffle: Giveaways
Interactive: Banking Solutions
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PNC Bank

Health Fairs: 2
Raffle: PNC Branded items
Interactive: iPad showing interactive features
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PNC Bank

Health Fairs: 2
Raffle: Cash incentives, themed gift basket
Interactive: Prize wheel and Plinco Board to make it fun for the day
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Pinnacle Financial Partners

Health Fairs: 0
Raffle: $25 gift card
Interactive: Discuss financial wellness materials plus benefits/discounts for employees
Booth  shasta health fair

BBVA Compass Bank

Health Fairs: 0
Raffle: Gift Basket.
Interactive: Snacks, giveaways and $100 new client offer.
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LGFCU - Local Government Federal Credit Union

Health Fairs: 3
Raffle: Umbrellas and gift cards
Interactive: N/a
Workplace banking employer


Health Fairs: 2
Raffle: Your raffle prize
Interactive: Account opening on the spot, Raffle prize, refreshments

PNC Bank

Health Fairs: 1
Raffle: PNC Logo's up to $50 Value Item
Interactive: IPAD Demos, Videos, & Online Capabilities

First Entertainment Credit Union

Health Fairs: 2
Raffle: Gift Card
Interactive: We educate folks in the entertainment industry on financial service options!

Wells Fargo (RP)

Health Fairs: 3
Raffle: N/A

Wells Fargo (CH)

Health Fairs: 3
Raffle: Tailgating Chair or Golf Umbrella
Interactive: Financial Guidance
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PNC Bank

Health Fairs: 2
Raffle: PNC Branded Item
Interactive: I-pad demonstration and discusion

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