How Do I Vet Exhibitors Via HFC's Messaging Functionality
Posted on Monday April 2 2018
HFC has all vendors create a profile, provide booth pictures and rep info, and essentially be as transparent as possible so you can make a confident decision when picking your health fair vendors & exhibitors. Not only that, all vendors and exhibitors must self-verify TWICE that they are in-network with your insurance.And to be clear, HFC does not and will not ever select health fair vendors & exhibitors for your health fair.
With that being said, you might see a vendor that you want additional information from prior to making your decision OR you already approved them and they're registered, but you're having 2nd thoughts and want to connect with them prior to the event. Not a problem at all!
With HFC's messaging system, you can reach out to these vendors through your dashboard keeping all your health fair communication in your Messaging section, making it easy on you.
And not only that, if you don't provide them your email or phone number, they can only respond back to you through the platform. You have that barrier between you and the vendors you're still on the fence about. Check out the images below to see how you can message and vet vendors....

Each vendor on your interested list has this blue message button seen above.

This image above shows where you can message your vendors that are already registered as well as the button that allows you to back them out of your event if needed.
No vendor is set in stone; you have full control over your health fair.

And as you can see in the image above, HFC makes it easy to keep track of all the vendors you're messaging in your Messages section of your dashboard. Not only that, we keep that line of communication open so that you can have Google-chat like messaging making it so easy get the additional information you need and are requesting.
So, don't hesitate to contact any of the vendors & exhibitors if feeling the need to do some extra vetting, need more insurance details, need more booth details, etc..
Thanks for reading!