How Do I Deny Health Fair Exhibitors From Participating In My Health Fair?
Posted on Monday April 2 2018
HFC has over 7000 exhibitors, nationwide on its platform that vary in the services they provide.And, we realize that not all health fair organizers want the same types of exhibitors. That's why with HFC's platform, you get to pick the exhibitors you want and kindly deny the rest.
Below are the two ways you can let exhibitors know they will not be able to attend your health fair this year:
1. Not-This-Time Button:
Click this and HFC will send an email from our system that informs the vendor they were not selected and maybe next year!

2. Close-Registration Button:
Click this button and HFC will mass message all at once the vendors left on the interested list you did not select for your health fair
(please note: make sure all the vendors you have selected or invited are registered prior to clicking this button or they will not be able to complete their registration)