Manage your Ratings and Reviews
Posted on Tuesday January 10 2017
How To Manage And Respond To A Rating And Review
Didn’t like a rating or review you received?
Would you like to respond to rating or review you received and share your side of the story?
No problem!
HFC allows you to reply publicly to a rating and review you received from a health fair host. The host will not be emailed or notified of your reply, but future hosts will see your side of the story under the review you chose to publically reply to.
Just to be clear, as soon as you reply, it will show up underneath the review on your vendor profile for the world to see.
To get started, visit the "Reviews" tab on your dashboard:

Then, find the public reply link on the health fair that has the rating and review you would like to respond to:

Once you click the link, you'll be taken to a page where you can leave your reply:

Your brand is important. Protect it, and help folks get the full picture.
And please keep in mind, HFC does not control or influence any ratings or reviews.
Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps provide some clarification.