Feed Your Peeps: Food Ideas For Your Employee Health Fair
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
It's no secret; providing food at your health fair is one of the best ways to ensure your employees attend. Not to mention, your employees will highly appreciate it and are going to love you for it!You can use food as a way to bring out those stubborn employees to the health fair. By coming for free food, it's a high chance they are going to visit with vendors and even get flu shots or screenings.All companies are different, and some have a harder time getting employee participation in health-related events - food is a way to change that.So without further ado, let's look at some food ideas...

The Top Health Fair Vendor Ideas
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Selecting quality and interactive vendors for your employee health fair is probably the most important aspect of the health fair planning process. You can't have a health fair without vendors, and you can't get your employees to attend their health fair if you have a bunch of vendors that do not spark their interest/curiosity.It sounds silly, but HR and benefits professionals can get too comfortable and invite the same vendors year after year. This reduces the excitement of your employees, and it also diminishes the benefit of hosting the health fair in the first place.This post has differe...

Scavenger Hunt
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
HR managers and benefits professionals - don’t have space for a health fair, OR at least don’t think you have enough space for a health fair? Think again - you could use hall ways, private offices, the lunch room, conference rooms, etc. - and end up having an onsite employee health fair at the location you thought was impossible to have a health fair. You can use this to your advantage by having a scavenger hunt at your office.Say you do have enough space for a health fair (like a gym, theater, giant conference room) - either way, you could pick spots where you can spread your health fair v...

Health Fair Attractions - How to get your employees out to your health fair
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
Each employer group has their own, unique organizational and employee culture.Meaning, attaining a high (or above average) employee attendance rate at your company health/wellness fair can be easier to accomplish for some, while others have more difficulty.This is what I can promise you:Bringing out the right attraction to your health/wellness fair will increase employees turnout.I have no doubts.Now, don't confuse onsite screenings and flu shots at your health/wellness fair as an attraction.The attraction is what you're going to use to increase the participation for those screenings, flu s...

Better Participation for Flu Shots (Flu Shots and Health Fairs)
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
It’s a benefit to offer flu shots to your employees. Some organizations require them for their employees. What better way to get employees out to the onsite flu shot clinic than by having a health fair? Wouldn't you like for a higher percentage of employees to get flu shots? Guess what -- a health fair is a great way to bring more employees out.Here’s why: with a health fair - many times you can have neat vendors, free food, activities, giveaways, and more. This draw employees out of their offices or from their desk. Once at the health fair, many times employees find out more information on...

Better Turnout for Biometric Screenings (Biometrics + Health Fair = Better Turnout For Both)
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
With The Case Study to Prove it...Hr managers, benefits professionals, health fair planners, biometric screeners and anyone else reading this post - I think we can all agree that preventive healthcare is the best healthcare. Am I right or am I right?Now, if you're in HR/wellness and plan health fairs for your employees, or if you're a benefits broker (or 3rd-party health fair planner) assisting your groups/clients with their health fairs, then you most likely know what I'm referring to when I say "biometrics."For those of you that do not know what I'm referring to, below are some of the bio...

Down. Set. Health Fair! Tips and Insight on Health Fair Themes
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
What We've Seen...Before HFC became a tech company for HR and benefits pros, our team planned and attended hundreds and hundreds of health/wellness fairs, nationwide - no exaggeration here.We would come on site, set up the event, and assist the HR/benefits team throughout their health/wellness fair. We have seen big, small, no space, tons of space, white collar, blue collar, indoor, outdoor - you get my point.And at a typical health/wellness fair, having 30-35% of the onsite employee population attend the event would be considered the average.However, some health/wellness fairs would double...