Why You Should Plan a Health Fair. From an Exhibitor's Perspective...
Posted on Monday March 6 2017
HR managers and benefits professionals - if you have not been able to tell from my previous posts, I am not writing with a perspective from the eyes and mind of a health fair vendor.All the health fair tips, ideas, reasoning, etc., coming from me are from the perspective of an HR manager, benefits, wellness coordinator. Basically, what I/HFC would consider the host.So, to give you the perspective and thoughts from an exhibitor who participates in health fairs, I thought I'd share a video posted by St. Vincent's Health System (Birmingham, AL) featuring Kimberly Rider - Wellness Services Supe...

12 Wellness Blogs / Articles You Might Be Interested In
Posted on Wednesday March 1 2017
HR and benefits professionals - this help post is going to be short and sweet.However, the list below is a great resource of 12 wellness blogs/articles related not only to planning your employee health fair but implementing entire wellness plans:http://www.benefitspro.com/2017/02/21/employers-shifting-focus-from-wellness-to-well-bei?eNL=58acc8bb160ba0d57a527745&utm_content=buffer21455&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin.com&utm_campaign=bufferhttps://www.9healthfair.org/blog/http://www.themarthablog.com/2016/11/our-2016-wellness-expo.htmlhttp://www.benzcommunications.com/b...

15 Health Fair Planning Articles To Get You Started
Posted on Wednesday March 1 2017
HR and benefits professionals - this help post is going to be short and sweet.However, the list below is a great resource of 15 articles related to ideas, reasons, and tips for planning your employee health fair:http://www.ideafit.com/fitness-library/planning-a-health-fair-step-by-stephttps://www.springbuk.com/springbuk-team-recipe-for-success/https://www.9healthfair.org/blog/workplace-wellness-3-reasons-start-program-now/https://www.paycom.com/blog/5-tips-successful-wellness-fair/#.WLBONhLytR1http://www.healthfairatlanta.com/foy-md-difference/ http://www.hr.com/en/app/blog/2013/03/health-f...

Health Fair Companies. A List of Serviced-Based Planning Companies
Posted on Tuesday February 28 2017
For any HR managers and benefits professionals that prefer to use serviced based heath fair companies for planning health fairs, we put together a list of companies as a resource.However, if you want to try a modern experience when it's time to plan your health fair - you should check out Health Fair Connections' (HFC) platform. Here's a blog post that breaks down how HFC's platform can automate 95% of the planning process and can save you 40 - 60 hours of planning headaches: You Need To See This: The First Ever, Health Fair Planning Tool Multiple groups have said using HFC is like "online ...

19 Competitive Advantages for those who use HFC’s Platform to Plan & Organize Health Fairs
Posted on Monday February 27 2017
Large View of HFC's Competitive Matrix (what's in the screen above).HR managers and benefits professionals - there is a better, more efficient, more cost-effective way to plan employee health fairs.If you have not checked out Health Fair Connections' platform for planning health fairs (essentially a health fair planning tool) - then you're missing out.There are 3rd-party health fair companies all over the nation. All are pretty much the same: a third-party serviced based company that has limited flexibility and gives you limited control over your health fair. If you want to check out some o...

109 Health Fair Exhibitor Categories
Posted on Sunday February 26 2017
HR managers and benefits professionals - here are 109 Health Fair Exhibitor and Vendor Service Categories (or Specialties) that Health Fair Connections (HFC) has identified:Acupuncture CareAesthetics & Skin CareAirport Parking ServiceAquatic TherapyAromatherapyArthritis / RheumatologyAsthma & AllergyAudiology & HearingBanking OptionsBariatric InformationBio-Identical Hormone ReplacementCancer Awareness / EducationChild Bearing Assistance / Coach (Doula)Child Development & Early EducationChiropractic CareCity Parks & RecreationClinical TrialsContinuing Education / MBA Pro...

Planning Multiple Health Fairs? It's Easier Than Ever Before
Posted on Wednesday February 22 2017
It might seem overwhelming or too time-consuming to plan multiple health fairs at multiple locations across the country. And if you tried to do it the old-fashion way, it very well can be.Good news: going the old-fashion route or paying a third-party is no longer needed to plan multiple health fairs.If you planned on asking your benefits broker to plan your events, you'll want them to use what I'm about to show you.Now, you can use Health Fair Connections'(HFC) platform, which has made it super easy to plan health fairs, nationwide. HR and benefits pros can now feel confident when it comes ...

You Need To See This: The First Ever, Health Fair Platform
Posted on Tuesday February 14 2017
Before you start reading this post I have written about our revolutionary health fair planning tool, don't just take my word for it. Check out the links below from two prominent influencers in the HR/Benefits arena:Tim Sackett's (President of HRU Tech) post about HFC: Click HereHFC made William Tincup's Recruiting Daily List of 100 HR Technologies worth watching: Click HereOkay, now we can get started....If you recall in my very first post - Five Key Benefits (you may never have thought of) From Hosting an Employee Health Fair - I hinted that there is free, online technology out there that ...

Four Seasons - Four Health Fairs
Posted on Wednesday February 8 2017
For some of you HR and benefits professionals, you might be pretty seasoned when it comes to employee health fairs (like that play on words? lol), and it might be time to shake things up. Or better yet, time to break things up.Ever thought of taking your annual health fair and breaking it up into four seasonal health fairs?It's a great way to focus and hone in on specific topics and goals you want to accomplish. As of now, you're most likely trying to knock all your initiatives out in one big event, or you do not have room for a big health fair, so you sacrifice certain goals, simply due to...

People Love Prizes And Your Health Fair Should Have Them
Posted on Tuesday January 31 2017
One of the benefits of hosting an employee health fair is the employee raffle; everyone loves gifts.Not to mention, your health fair vendors will bring the prizes for you (even your carriers).That's right - your vendors will bring the prizes. The more vendors you invite, the bigger your raffle will be.By the time setup is complete, your head/registration table will be looking like this:I have seen a lot of awesome items raffled off - concert tickets, electronic toothbrushes, VISA gift cards, football/basketball tickets, FitBits, earbuds, iPads, etc..And as you can see in the picture, all t...