The One-of-a-kind Health Fair Planning Platform
Posted on Thursday December 6 2018
HFC Overview
If you're not one of the 3,000+ employer groups or 15,000+ vendors nationwide that are already taking advantage of this awesome resource, then this blog post is for you.
Before you keep reading, please don't mistake us for your typical, 3rd-party health fair company.
What we offer is a free, online platform - (essentially, a health fair planning tool) that helps automate most of the health fair planning process, yet still giving you full control over your health fair.
Once you create a profile and list your health fair (takes less than 5 mins), you'll have access to all the features below:
- Online shop for health fair exhibitors (pick only the exhibitors you want)
- Download your save-the-date event flyer (be able to customize it as well)
- Invite your carriers and other exhibitors you personally work with and want to attend (at zero cost to you or them)
- Mass communicate (message all your exhibitors at once or individually)
- Automate your reminder emails (the platform will handle exhibitor re-confirmation for you)
- Download logistics docs (exhibitor detail sheet, table tags, employee attendance ticket)
- Manage multiple locations, nationwide (and invite your team members to collaborate)
Get started now: Plan with Health Fair Connections (HFC)
Not ready to get started? Each feature is broken down in detail below:
Online Shop For Health Fair Exhibitors (pick only the exhibitors you want)
This feature of the platform is primarily why we say, "while still having full control over your health fair." No exhibitor can register for your health fair without your review and approval. See screenshot below:

Once you list your health fair, exhibitors within a 25-mile radius of your location(s) are notified and can apply to attend (we'll email you to let you know once vendors start applying).
You then get to review their application (booth photos, interactive offerings, freebies, raffle prize and more) from the Vendors section in your dashboard and click "approve" or "not this time"'s that easy.
Download Your Save-the-date Event Flyer
You need to promote your health fair internally to your employees but you don't need to waste time creating the event flyer to accomplish that promotion. Let HFC's platform do that for you.
We'll provide you with a quality save-the-date event flyer at your fingertips. See how it looks below
The moment you list your health fair, you can enter your event dashboard, customize your save-the-date flyer, and download via less than a minute. And in case you're wondering, below is the info you can edit and customize prior to downloading your save-the-date flyer:
- Location
- Company name
- Tagline (if you want to emphasize something particular about the health fair)
- Logo (replace the HFC logo with your company logo)
Stop wasting time on event flyers and let HFC do it for you. You have better things to do!
Invite Your Carriers and Other Exhibitors You Personally Work With and Want to Attend (at zero cost to you or them)
A big reason employer groups are hesitant to use a 3rd-party health fair company is because the 3rd party typically wants to charge every vendor (if not charge you as well) you want to invite to your own health fair. But when you use HFC, you can invite any exhibitor you want at zero cost to you or them. Not to mention, you have a section in your dashboard that will make inviting and securing vendors a breeze. See screenshot below:
In the Invites section of your dashboard, you can upload (or copy/paste) an excel list with as many exhibitors as you want and send them all an invitation with the click of a button. The information for the health fair is automated into the email as well as there is a link for them to click and register for your event. Keyword there is "register."
The exhibitors you invite from the Invites section of your dashboard get to skip the entire selection process. They don't ever see options to join the interested list because we want to make it as friction-free as possible on them. And not to mention, we'll email you each time one of your vendors register for your health fair so that you're kept in the loop while HFC does the inviting and registering for you.
Mass Communicate (message all your exhibitors at once or individually)
This one is pretty straightforward: HFC makes it easy to communicate with all your registered exhibitors by being able to email them a custom message all at once.
When it's time to send those parking or entry instructions, you can do so from the Announcements tab in your Messages section. You can customize the subject line and the body of the message to your liking (you can even upload an attachment). If any exhibitor responds to your message, the conversation funnels into the Messages tab and you can chat with that particular exhibitor individually.
And to clarify, this mass email only goes to your registered exhibitors. You don't have to worry about the exhibitors you denied receiving the message.
Automate Your Reminder Emails (the platform will handle exhibitor re-confirmation for you)
If you have ever planned a health fair, then I'm sure you're aware that getting exhibitors to re-confirm for your health fair can be more time consuming than it was to initially register them in the first place. But with HFC, the platform will take care of all that stress and uncertainty for you.
HFC's platform will start sending out reminder emails to your registered exhibitors 7 days prior to the health fair date. If they don't respond, then they are sent again 5, 3, and 1 day out until they respond (also, all exhibitors receive a reminder text message the morning of the event).
What I mean by "respond" is they have to click a button in the email. And, you can see which exhibitors clicked the RSVP from your vendor detail sheet (discussed in detail later in the post). HFC eliminates the uncertainty and gives you that reassurance/confidence that all your exhibitors are ready for your health fair.
Download Logistics Docs (exhibitor detail sheet, table tags, employee attendance ticket)

As it comes time for the day of your health fair, you'll need to transfer all the exhibitor information on your dashboard to your fingertips. HFC, of course, will do this for you.
From your downloads section, you have access to your vendor details sheet. This sheet (which downloads via PDF) will have all the vendor information you need for your health fair so that you have full confidence what to expect as vendors and arrive and have a sheet to reference at your fingertips.
Another great feature: the exhibitor table tags. Download and print these out, then place them on the exhibitor tables prior to them arriving. This makes the setup process smooth and easy as you can stand there and point each exhibitor to their table that's already been assigned prior to their arrival.
Manage multiple locations, nationwide (and invite your team members to collaborate)
Don't feel overwhelmed or think you have to have multiple health fair resources to plan health fairs in different parts of the US. HFC's platform was specifically designed for companies with multiple locations as we have vendors in most (if not all) major metro area. Not only that, you get an event dashboard for each location that you can easily manage from your portal, making easy to keep your vendors separated. See the screenshot below:
Not only can YOU manage each health fair, but you can also invite your onsite contacts to join as well. You can oversee all events and are kept in the loop on all events while each contact can manage their location, pick their vendors, etc. and only receive email notifications about their specific location. HFC's platform makes it easy and gives you the flexibility to be as hands-on as you would like for each health fair. Manage them all, or hand them off your colleagues, teammates, or benefits partners.
Get started now: Plan with Health Fair Connections (HFC)