21 Health Fair Planning Guides to Get You Started
Posted on Thursday April 6 2017

HR managers, health fair planners, benefits pros, this post is exactly what the title says it is: A list with links to 21 health fair planning guides.
I personally think quite a few of them are a tad over the top, and quite frankly, would scare me if I was trying to plan a health fair lol (HFC makes it so simple).
None the less, if you're trying to have a theme and attractions and flyers, balloons etc., then these guides will be a great resource.
So, here you go:
Texas A&M AgriLife - http://justfacs.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Health-Fair-Planning-Guide.pdf
Moda Health - https://www.modahealth.com/pdfs/wellness/health_fair_planning_guide.pdf
HAP.org - https://www.hap.org/employers/worksite/pdfs/wh_health_fair_promo.pdf
UnitedHealthcare - http://healthselectoftexas.welcometouhc.com/assets/pdf/HealthFairGuide_hires.pdf
Texas A&M - http://fcs.tamu.edu/files/2015/02/health-fair-planning-guide.pdf
Wellness Proposals - http://wellnessproposals.com/health-fair-wellness-fair-planning-guide/
Rockland County School System - http://www.rockteach.org/sites/default/files/Guide_for_Planning_a_Health_Fair.pdf
Lourdes - https://www.lourdes.com/media/2751/HealthFairManual.pdf
Episcopal Health Ministries - http://www.episcopalhealthministries.org/files/resources_attachments/health-fair.pdf
Massachuesetts Health Council - http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.mahealthcouncil.org/resource/resmgr/Docs/2011-HealthFairGuide.pdf
Anthem (Blue Cross & Blue Shield) - http://timewellspent.anthem.com/images/wellness-workplace-bcbs/56475MUEENABS_Planning_a_wellness_fair_BR_09_15.pdf
Independence (Blue Cross & Blue Shield) - https://www.ibx.com/pdfs/custom/worksite_wellness/implementing/health_fair_checklist.pdf
Stoudt Advisors - http://stoudtadvisors.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/feb16_fair.pdf
Montana's Rural Health Initiative - http://montanaruralhealthinitiative.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ToolkitPDF.pdf
Mecklenburg County Health Department - http://charmeck.org/mecklenburg/county/healthdepartment/communityhealthservices/documents/healthfairplanningguide.pdf
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of IL - https://www.bcbsil.com/employer/pdf/blueresource/health_fair_planing.pdf
Incorporate Massage - https://www.incorporatemassage.com/health-fair-planning-guide
Nutrition Education Store - http://news.nutritioneducationstore.com/health-fair-planning-guide/
Cigna - https://www.cigna.com/assets/docs/sites/health-promotion/health-awarness-day.pdf
Blue Cross & Blue Shield of OK - https://www.bcbsok.com/pdf/blueresource/worksite_wellness.pdf
Positive Promotions - http://www.positivepromotions.com/images/art/Health_Fair.pdf
More About Health Fair Connections (HFC):
Simply put, we offer the only nationwide health fair planning tool that helps HR and benefits professionals automate 95% of the health fair planning process. The coolest part: it's like online shopping for health fair vendors. This tool is completely free to use, and you can get started at any time by clicking here.
- Tim Sackett's (President of HRU Tech) post about HFC: Click Here
- 19 Competitive Advantages for those who use HFC’s Platform to Plan & Organize Health Fairs: Click Here
- HFC made William Tincup's Recruiting Daily List of 100 HR Technologies worth watching: Click Here
- HFC's Competitive Matrix:
Link to large PDF of Competitive Matrix.