The HFC Virtual App (V1) for Planners
Posted on Tuesday September 29 2020
How-to Guide for Planning a Virtual Event on HFC FAQs listed below the guide for additional information 1. Getting StartedAccessing the virtual app is quite simple. Create a free profile (or login here) on HFC’s platform, and once inside your dashboard, you’ll see a button to access the HFC Virtual App.See screenshot below:All of your virtual events will be scheduled and managed in the virtual app. They are separate from in-person events and will not be listed in your Upcoming tab. If needed, click here to create a pro...

Referral Email Template
Posted on Monday January 14 2019
Hi {!first_name},I wanted to let you know about HFC's free health fair planning tool. If you're planning a health fair, there's no reason not to take advantage of this free resource. It has helped me automate most of the planning process and no other 3rd-party health fair company really compares to what they offer. They've eliminated the middle man and provided everything you need to make planning a health fair a breeze (even a way for you to invite your own vendors free of charge)Once you create a profile and list your health fair (takes less than 5 mins), you'll have access to all the fea...

5 Tips to Boost Employee Turnout at Your Health Fair
Posted on Monday April 3 2017
If you're a health fair planner, health fair vendor, an HR manager who's planned health fairs at multiple companies, or a benefits professional who assists their multiple groups with their employee health fairs - then you know certain companies have a better employee turnout than others.Quite often, these poor employee turnouts can be avoided by taking the proper steps.There's nothing worse than taking the time to plan a health fair for your employees and then having none of them show up. You're standing there feeling hopeless, apologizing to vendors as they start to network, or even worse,...

Why You Should Plan a Health Fair. From an Exhibitor's Perspective...
Posted on Monday March 6 2017
HR managers and benefits professionals - if you have not been able to tell from my previous posts, I am not writing with a perspective from the eyes and mind of a health fair vendor.All the health fair tips, ideas, reasoning, etc., coming from me are from the perspective of an HR manager, benefits, wellness coordinator. Basically, what I/HFC would consider the host.So, to give you the perspective and thoughts from an exhibitor who participates in health fairs, I thought I'd share a video posted by St. Vincent's Health System (Birmingham, AL) featuring Kimberly Rider - Wellness Services Supe...

Planning Multiple Health Fairs? It's Easier Than Ever Before
Posted on Wednesday February 22 2017
It might seem overwhelming or too time-consuming to plan multiple health fairs at multiple locations across the country. And if you tried to do it the old-fashion way, it very well can be.Good news: going the old-fashion route or paying a third-party is no longer needed to plan multiple health fairs.If you planned on asking your benefits broker to plan your events, you'll want them to use what I'm about to show you.Now, you can use Health Fair Connections'(HFC) platform, which has made it super easy to plan health fairs, nationwide. HR and benefits pros can now feel confident when it comes ...

Four Seasons - Four Health Fairs
Posted on Wednesday February 8 2017
For some of you HR and benefits professionals, you might be pretty seasoned when it comes to employee health fairs (like that play on words? lol), and it might be time to shake things up. Or better yet, time to break things up.Ever thought of taking your annual health fair and breaking it up into four seasonal health fairs?It's a great way to focus and hone in on specific topics and goals you want to accomplish. As of now, you're most likely trying to knock all your initiatives out in one big event, or you do not have room for a big health fair, so you sacrifice certain goals, simply due to...

Picking The Right Time Frame For Your Health Fair
Posted on Monday January 30 2017
HR and benefits professionals - this post is to help you when determining the time duration of your employee health fair.You don't want a health fair that is too short - where you have employees showing up as vendors are leaving. And you don't want a health fair that's too long - where vendors are standing around twiddling their thumbs or packing up and leaving early. Neither one of these outcomes is ideal.Most of the health fairs I have attended are too long, and by the end of the event, they end up looking like this:The main thing to keep in mind when deciding a health fair duration is th...

Two Health Fairs a Year Better Than One?
Posted on Thursday January 26 2017
Some of you might be thinking there is no reason to have two health fairs in the same year.And for some of you, that might be correct - but that all depends on what you want to accomplish with your events.Below are a few reasons/examples as to why it might be more beneficial to have two health fairs a year at your office/worksite location:One For Benefits, One For WellnessYou might want to consider having a health/wellness fair (chiro, dentist, vision, and other vendors alike) and then having a benefits fair (your insurance carriers, EAP's, (401)k and vendors alike).This is going to give yo...

You Have No Space To Host A Health Fair? ...Think Again
Posted on Thursday January 5 2017
How to Find And Maximize Space (You Thought You Didn't Have) to Host a Health Fair at Your Office/Worksite LocationAs I mentioned in a previous post, I have been to hundreds of health fairs. I've seen little, big, wide, long, not enough room, too much room, corporate, manufacturing, indoor, outdoor, started as early as 6 am, ended as late as 8 pm...you get the picture.Not only did we attend, but the team and I would also set up the health fair venue with the necessary amount of tables and chairs needed to accommodate all attending vendors.I have a lot of experience "creating" a health fair ...

Warning Signs Your Health Fair Is Too Long
Posted on Monday December 19 2016
And How to Prevent Future Health Fairs From SufferingLet me start by saying, this might not apply to some of you HR and benefits pros, as you might have a great, two-hour health/wellness fair that's highly attended and vendors knock down your door year after year to be a part of your event.However, not everyone has that same experience.But on the bright side, it might a simple problem you can easily fix.All you might need to do to have a successful health/wellness fair is decrease the duration of your event.Don't end up with your health/wellness fair looking like this...Now, I know what som...