Vendors aren't showing up
Posted on Sunday November 13 2016
No worries if you've used Health Fair Connections (HFC) for your health fair. Here's what's going on: Some vendors participate in health fairs on a weekly basis and get comfortable with setting up quickly; therefore, show up right before the health fair starts. Don't stress to much over this. If this upsets you, feel free to leave the vendor a rating and review after the health fair. Here are things HFC does to ensure there aren't any no shows:Health Fair Connections (HFC) will email all registered vendors at least 3 times asking them to click a button to confirm their attendance in the hea...

How do I handle the employee raffle?
Posted on Saturday November 12 2016
How to handle the Employee Health Fair Raffle Here's the best way to handle the employee raffle:We recommend collecting the raffle prizes from all vendors and putting them on the head / registration table to entice the employees to come through the health fair.Employees can get into the raffle as they enter the health fair by putting their name on a raffle ticket and dropping it into the raffle bucket/bowl -- OR -- by picking up an attendance ticket, carrying it around to get vendor's initials, and dropping the attendance ticket back off at the front desk.If you do not want to have a head /...

What materials do I need on the day of the health fair?
Posted on Friday November 11 2016
Health Fair MaterialsLet's start by stating the obvious: be sure you have the correct amount of tables and chairs based on the number of vendors you have selected.Once tables and chairs are locked down, it’s recommended to have the following on hand the day of your health fair:vendor table cards tapescissorsraffle ticketsclipboardspenswifi password (if available)a couple of mini trash cans on handVendor detail sheetCouple extra chairs and tables (just in case)Having on all this on deck is going to make the setup process smooth and easy.The HFC Team has been to hundreds of health fairs and f...

What vendor special request arise on the day of the health fair?
Posted on Friday November 11 2016
Health Fair Vendor Needs and Special RequestOut of 10, 12, 15 vendors that you may have registered fro your health fair - expect a few of them to have request on the day of your health fair. If you have more vendors than that, you say 30 vendors, you can double the amount of request especially if you have food, smoothie, screening, and like vendors. Here are a few of the typical request Health Fair Connections Host (HR teams and benefit pros) receive on the day of their health fair from vendors:Small trash can (although, a few vendors might need a large trashcan)Extra table or chairMore roo...