What happens if I cancel my membership?
Posted on Monday September 3 2018
If you cancel your HFC Charter Membership, you forgo the following:Low future rateYour membership statusStreamlined experience on HFCAnd more, like your invite button in the vendor directory (hosts will no longer be able to invite you via the directory).Low RateThe yearly-rate for the membership is $349 and covers unlimited health fairs (premium applications and registrations) communication with corporations, and everything HFC has to offer (all premium features) for 12 months. Per health fair in 2019 will range from $49-179 per event and this will quickly add up.Membership StatusIf you can...

$1000 should be added to HFC's Charter Membership's Price
Posted on Thursday March 22 2018
Here's why HFC's Charter Membership Should Be $1349as opposed to $349. I believe $1000 should be added to the price of the membership for the reasons mentioned in this email.[image]The Membership has Eliminated the Middle ManYou Can Communicate Directly with Organizers-Is Today the Day that it Will Finally Click for You?You know that perfect picture in your head about establishing relationships with local corporations & their employees without anyone standing in between you and them?The "what could be" that just hasn't happened for you yet or that you may have given up on? HFC has now m...

Could $526k in revenue be generated from a $349 HFC Charter Membership?
Posted on Thursday March 22 2018
It all depends on a number of different factors, like your service category (i.e. radiology) and the activity in your area (greater Raleigh had 75 health fairs in 2017). Under the right conditions, yes!-I Generated Over $526k......as a health Fair exhibitor back in 2010 in the greater Raleigh, NC metro area without the advantages and benefits of HFC’s Charter Membership... I also paid $200-400 per booth and would spend thousands a year on health fairs.Employer health fairs generated such a notable ROI for the sleep center I worked for and this was the spark led me to co-found HFC with two o...

How to Get the Most Out of Your HFC Charter Membership
Posted on Tuesday March 20 2018
An Educational Blog Post for Charter Members-IntroductionI have to say this up front: A majority of you are not taking advantage of your membership and are making critical mistakes. Luckily for you, these can be fixed easily within a few minutes, which I’ll highlight in this blog post. So, if anything, scan this blog post.I also have to say that I believe each one of you should sit down for at least 30 minutes, read this email, then take the necessary steps to get the entire benefit of the membership.By not doing so, you’re foregoing thousands of dollars in business, if not more.Taking a li...

Checkout HFC’s Chiropractors Who Are Charter Members and Learn From Them
Posted on Monday December 4 2017
HFC Chiropractor Charter Members:Gard Wellness: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors/gard-wellness-center-suite-130 The Chiropractic Studio: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors/the-chiropractic-studio Carolina Family Chiropractic: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors/carolina-family-chiropractic Dynamic Health and Pain Management: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors/dynamic-health-and-pain-management Raleigh Specific Chiropractic: https://app.healthfairconnections.com/vendors/raleigh-specific-chiropracticCarrollton Family Chiropractic: https://app.healt...