The One-of-a-kind Health Fair Planning Platform
Posted on Thursday December 6 2018
HFC OverviewIf you're not one of the 3,000+ employer groups or 15,000+ vendors nationwide that are already taking advantage of this awesome resource, then this blog post is for you.Before you keep reading, please don't mistake us for your typical, 3rd-party health fair company.What we offer is a free, online platform - healthfairconnections.com (essentially, a health fair planning tool) that helps automate most of the health fair planning process, yet still giving you full control over your health fair. Once you create a profile and list your health fair (takes less than 5 mins), you'll hav...

Corporate Wellness Trend for 2018: Embrace Technology
Posted on Thursday April 13 2017
This trend happens to be one of my favorites and has been quite relevant not only for 2018, but for the past couple years as well. Check out Adam Sass' article from 2017 - 6 Trends in Corporate Worksite Wellness For 2017 - and then this article from Aliah Wright for SHRM.org - Top 6 HR Technology Trends for 2018 - Health Fair Connections' (HFC) platform would be one of those new technologies that not only was relevant last year, but is still relevant for 2018. There are 3rd-party health fair planning companies all over the nation, in every major city - all pretty much the same, serviced bas...

19 Competitive Advantages for those who use HFC’s Platform to Plan & Organize Health Fairs
Posted on Monday February 27 2017
Large View of HFC's Competitive Matrix (what's in the screen above).HR managers and benefits professionals - there is a better, more efficient, more cost-effective way to plan employee health fairs.If you have not checked out Health Fair Connections' platform for planning health fairs (essentially a health fair planning tool) - then you're missing out.There are 3rd-party health fair companies all over the nation. All are pretty much the same: a third-party serviced based company that has limited flexibility and gives you limited control over your health fair. If you want to check out some o...

You Need To See This: The First Ever, Health Fair Platform
Posted on Tuesday February 14 2017
Before you start reading this post I have written about our revolutionary health fair planning tool, don't just take my word for it. Check out the links below from two prominent influencers in the HR/Benefits arena:Tim Sackett's (President of HRU Tech) post about HFC: Click HereHFC made William Tincup's Recruiting Daily List of 100 HR Technologies worth watching: Click HereOkay, now we can get started....If you recall in my very first post - Five Key Benefits (you may never have thought of) From Hosting an Employee Health Fair - I hinted that there is free, online technology out there that ...

Spotlight: Jill Ferris' (of HUB International) Experience Using HFC
Posted on Monday January 23 2017
Jill Ferris is the Wellness & Training Specialist at RPG Solutions (a division of HUB International) in Raleigh NC. She has 15+ years experience in the benefits arena assisting groups with numerous wellness initiatives. And quite frequently, that involved planning a health fair.Before finding HFC, Jill had experience planning health fairs on her own or using your typical third-party health fair planning vendor.We would now consider Jill a power user of HFC, (listing over ten health fairs on the system) and that's a big reason I wanted to chat with her about her experience using the plat...