When are they going to start approving vendors for the health fair?
Posted on Saturday November 19 2016
Do you know when I'm going to be approved or denied from the health fair?Health Fair Connections (HFC) takes strong measures to make sure the host lets you know whether you're approved or denied for their health fair in a timely fashion.However, all hosts are different.Some hosts are going to be more responsive than others.So, that's why we ask them for a concrete deadline as to when they will give a response to all vendors.That date is located on the health fair event page.See below:Not only do they give us the deadline date, we remind them weekly they have vendors awaiting a response the ...

Is the health fair still happening?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
From time to time, a health fair has to be canceled or postponed.This can happen for many different reasons, and you do not want to be caught off guard or just show up to a company that's not having a health fair.So, if a health fair is canceled or postponed, and if you were a registered vendor for that particular event, you will be notified via email.If you were not yet selected by the host but were on the vendor interested list waiting for review, you will be notified via your weekly status update email .And when the health fair is postponed, and you're on the registered vendor list, you ...

Am I in the health fair?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
If you're ever worried you might have missed an email notification from HFC, related to the status of a particular health fair, you can quickly log in to your profile on healthfairconnections.com and see that information on your dashboard.It takes less than 10 secs.Check out the pic below to see where you can find your status of all health fairs on your dashboard:As you can see above, there are three sections on your dashboard overview related to your status in health fairs.PENDINGThe pending list is where you find your list of health fairs that are still undecided on your participation.You...

What's my status in the health fair?
Posted on Monday November 7 2016
If you're ever worried you might have missed an email notification from HFC, related to the status of a particular health fair, you can quickly log in to your profile on healthfairconnections.com to see that information on your dashboard.It takes less than 10 secs.Check out this pic below of where you can get your event status updates on your HFC dashboard:As you can see above, there are three sections on your dashboard overview related to your status in health fairs.PENDINGThe pending list is where you find your list of health fairs that are still undecided on your participation.You'll hav...